A rainbow serpent spirals in the sky, and each time it flicks its tongue, it sprays a cascade of rainbow notes. The notes dance in the air, eventually forming a complete musical score. Coloring Pages
!!空から大地へ、猛烈なスピンでジャイロを形成した大回転を叩き込め!!その時、自然を破壊するのではなく、『ガイアの祝福』を大地から受けるんだっ!ギガ・ジャイロ・ブレイカー!!!"Complete Golden Spin Energy!!! From the sky to the earth, unleash a massive gyro formed by a ferocious spin with a grand rotation!!! At that moment, rather than destroying nature, receive the 'Blessing of Gaia' from the earth!!! Giga Gyro Breaker!!!" Coloring Pages